project area v1 SUFACHAC NEWS
The maiden Edition of the biannual publication of the Sustainable farming and critical habitat conservation to achieve biodiversity mainstreaming and protected areas management effectiveness in western Cameroon.
Vol. 01 N0. 001 January 2019.

Welcome to the maiden edition of the SUFACHAC News. This edition highlights project’s inception (29 – 31 of March 2017) to on field implementation.
ENJOY YOUR READING as your comments and observations are welcome.

Dear Partners/Readers,

I feel delighted to share information related to the SUFACHAC PROJECT whose first year of existence had been dedicated to baseline information gathering. As a matter of reminder, SUFACHAC is building on previous conservation efforts that had taken place within the Bakossi Bayang Mbo landscape. Results of some of the studies carried out by both national consultants and implementing partners have been tremendous and are geared towards meeting the project’s goal.

A review of the level of implementation of activities of 2017/2018 shows a significant progress on the level of achievements, number of current and potential stakeholders and partners (ERuDeF, CHEDE) involved. From the review process of collaborative management and conservation initiatives within the region and TOU experiences within the national territory it has been revealed that collaboration at all levels and communication has a significant role to play in attaining the set goals. I wish to appreciate the efforts of all our collaborators, partners and stakeholders for their continuous support in ensuring the progress made for this first year. Communicating our progress and lessons learned is of utmost important. While hoping that you find this maiden edition of the SUFACHAC NEWS interesting and informative I wish you a happy collaboration for the progress of conservation work within the landscape. Contributions for publications are welcome from each partner and stakeholder.

Zaboya Adele Epse Makomra

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