The Sustainable Farming and Critical Habitat Conservation to achive biodiversity maintreaming and protected areas management effectiveness in Western Cameroon is the biodiversity conservation and Development  Project of the Republic of Cameroon funded by the United Nation's Environment Programme(UNEP), and the Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature & Sustainable Development (MINEPDED).
The degradation of natural ecosystems in target sites where indigenous people and other local communities live are becoming more and more discernible due to their continuous dependence on biological resources for livelihood sustenance. This has influenced the focus of many short term conservation projects in the past within the SUFACHAC project site which have come and gone before achieving their stated objectives (such as securing the gazettement and long-term management of proposed PAs), and not leaving behind improved livelihood initiatives that will be sustained in the absence of a continued subsidy.
SUFACHAC makes explicit reference to the 9th Conference of the Parties to the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) which requested all parties to ensure Pas contribute to the eradication of poverty and sustainable development and to the Revised Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 including the Aichi Targets which were adopted at the 10th COP, and Decision No. UNEP/CBD/COP/DEC/XI/3 of 5 December 2012 adopted at the 11th COP on "Monitoring progress in implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets". The overall goal of SUFACHAC is to support progress towards many Aichi targets and indicators. Specifically, it aims at:
• Addressing the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society;
• Reducing the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use; and
• Improving the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity, with relevance to Target.
The fundamental role of SUFACHAC’s management is to ensure effective participation of stakeholders, particularly those around protected areas.
The Project seeks to provide socio-economic benefits to those who are directly impacted by the establishment and management of Protected Areas within the Project Area, for example
• By prioritizing support to those whose access to resources within the PAs will be restricted by proposed management interventions,
• By helping to identify and invest in alternative livelihood activities.
• By ensuring that women's use of Protected Areas is equally recognized
• And where such uses must be restricted, they too are given equal access to project support to ensure that they find at least as viable alternatives.
• By trying to create a partnership between the project and the communities around the protected area hence facilitating a collaborative management approach.
SUFACHAC seeks to adopt an integrated approach which can give a fair deal to landscape functions such as climate change response, biodiversity conservation, food sécurity, poverty reduction and economic growth.
BY 2020 Biodiversity values have been integrated into national and local development and poverty reduction strategies and planning processes are being incorporated into national accounting as appropriate and reporting systems through "developing policies considering biodiversity and ecosystem service in environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment".

The main objectives of the project is to contribute to the improved efficiency in the management of protected area systems, integration of biodiversity conservation in the various land use options, including agriculture, mining, forestry, production and promote an integrated approach to the management at the level of the landscape, through the development and implementation of an interactive land use plan.
The entire community in the Bayang /Mbo/ Bakossi Lebialem landscape and its environs, Kupe Muanenguba Division, southwest region and Cameroon and the entire conservation world.


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